PPTSD Amstel (that’s post PETRA traumatic stress disorder)

PPTSD Amstel (that's post PETRA traumatic stress disorder)

PPTSD Amstel (that’s post PETRA traumatic stress disorder)

Occupation in Bil’in

Occupation through a child’s eyes. Bil’in, Occupied West Bank, Palestine.


Palestine….day ???

Yes, I’m here and yes, I’ve been terrible about writing.  All my apologies.  We only arrived in Ramallah yesterday and just getting this far was extremely difficult.  I swear we almost died in Petra and are still suffering a bit from that whole experience which I must admit gets funnier each day.

Anyway, we have a great apartment in Ramallah and are still settling in.  We went to the demonstrations against the Wall in Bil’in today and to celebrate our friend Hamde’s birthday.  Only in the West Bank is someone’s name their address.  This is one of a million little things that I love about this place.

The response to today’s demonstration was less violent than the ones I’ve experienced in the past but it’s still unacceptable.  The village owns the land and has for generations.  The Zionist movement wants it for their settlement expansion.  Can you imagine this happening in your neighborhood??  If one day your neighbor decided he liked your property more than his and then brought a military (funded by the US) to help them evict you and confiscate whatever they want……….what would you do?  

The Palestinians demonstrate non-violently against land and resource confiscation and are met, like we were today, will stun grenades, skunk water and massive amounts of US supplied tear gas.  There’s nothing like traveling halfway across the world to basically be gassed by your own country.  

I haven’t gotten back into the swing of writing like I did last time.  I apologize for the silence.  I’ve had alot of new experiences so far on this trip (not all of them pleasant) and it’s hard to sort through feelings fast enough to write about them.  Only today, four days after our mishap in Petra, did Cormac admit he still wasn’t sleeping because of it.  I hope as the days unfold I’ll be able to put more into words for you.

For tonight, we are back at our apartment with a new Scottish friend we made in Bil’in today.  We’ve all had a few Taybehs and are trying to relax.  We still reek of tear gas and skunk but we have no water in Ramallah tonight so we just have to deal with it.  Hopefully, there will be water tomorrow.

Arrived safely in Jordan

I’m sorry I have not written anything as of yet but literally every minute of everyday has been occupied. Will post once we’ve crossed the border which Insha’Allah will be in 72 hours.

So nice of my host to put a post-it note at eye level for me.

You can’t see the door either, can you?

Day????? Vienna

As a friend of a friend once said to me, “I drank enough to kill Mexico last night.” I now understand what that means. Amy and Marc, I have discovered something far deadlier than The Spirit of Ecuador. I’ve decided to name it the Spirit of Hell but its actually some devil from the Czech Republic. Photo attached.
Today my mentally challenged Irish cousin (this is how we’ve decided to refer to each other) drug me all over the city, to punish me I imagine. The architecture is breathtaking but Hitler is everywhere. I am tragically disappointed in the number of men running around in Mozart dress but without the wig.

This devil’s brew made me do bad things like walk face first into a glass door where my nose immediately bled and I woke up with a black eye. It also shoved me down twice in the middle of the night giving me matching bruises on my legs. Idiot cousin said he remembered hearing a couple of crashes in the night but assumed I’d either hit the door again or fell. He didn’t hear screaming so he just went back to sleep.

One week away and I’m starting to freak out.

I made a fake press pass yesterday.  Hopefully, this will keep me from being arrested.


Palestine. Take 3.

On Wednesday, August 28th, I will be leaving on my third trip to Palestine (after a 3 day stop in Vienna). I have to blog anonymously as I do not enjoy the interrogation part of entering/exiting Israel.  I’m also not interested in being arrested.  So………..if you comment, please refrain from using my name.  That’s all I ask.  Oh yeah, and don’t be an asshole.

I probably won’t be posting too much until I actually get there. I am mostly just getting things set up right now. I may post a few entries when the day gets close and I start having panic attacks as I always do. 🙂

PS As you read this, please try to keep in mind that I am doing this because I believe there is still humanity in this world. Well, most days I believe that. I am not anti-American. I am not mocking religion. I have my own personal beliefs (key word there is “personal”) that just don’t happen to align with any religion. I am open and respectful to all and will do my best to stay so.

An Evening with Israeli Ambassador Michael Oren

Several evenings ago, I had the opportunity to attend an address by the Israeli ambassador to the United States.  I haven’t much interest in politics but (as an activist for Palestine) I knew this would be an interesting one as I was bound to disagree with everything that came out of his mouth.

On occassion, the fear of interogation and captivity seep back into my brain and I have to do something to prove to myself that I haven’t lost my bravery (or stupidity). 

So………..I found myself alone and surrounded by 300 angry Zionists.  People who would likely rip me to shreds if they had any inkling as to who I was.  I tried to fit in.  I made small talk with those sitting around me & even stood for the American National Anthem though I refused to participate any further than that.  While everyone sang, I wondered why no one felt compeled to remove their kippa. 

Then came the Israeli National Anthem and I sat down.  Alone.  I was never so uncomfortable in my life.  I kept expecting that “tap” on the shoulder.  Any of you who’ve gone through security at Ben Gurion know what I’m talking about.

Oren spoke for about 30 minutes, praising Israel for all the good it does in the world, and (of course) reminding everyone multiple times that everyone else in the Middle East wants to push the Jews into the sea. 

I don’t speak for everyone, just myself.  I don’t want to push the Jews into the sea.  I’d like to push the Israeli government into the sea but not the Jews.  I have no problem with them and they have no problem with me.

This event though scared the living hell out of me.  It should scare you, too.  These were American Jews and Christians that were shouting at the ambassador to do something about the 4 F-16s the US government sent to the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt.  People were shouting “Why are they helping terrorists and not Israel?”  Are you fucking kidding me?  The US gives Israel $30 MILLION DOLLARS A DAY in military aid.  What else do you want?  The money out of my pocket?

The Americans in that room were saluting Israel, not America.  I imagine there was more than one with dual citizenship but I think that was the exception, not the rule.  So, what to think of Americans that are more concered with a country they’re NOT a citizen of?  That hall was full of hate, bigotry and racism. 

I’m sure not everyone felt that way.  I’d hope some of the Jewish community were startled by the amount of anti-American hatred that was being spewed BY Americans.  I went because I wanted to see what kind of propaganda was being handed out like candy and I wasn’t disappointed.

I Am Done Explaining Myself

Exactly when did my soul become such a hot commodity?  Is there a contest amongst the faiths…..maybe God’s handing out a free sodastream to whomever converts me?  Here’s the thing chumps:  I’m not a Christian, I’m not a Muslim, I’m not Jewish, I’m not a Quaker, a Mennonite, a Catholic or any other religion.  I’m not interested.  Did you hear that?  I’m not interested and I can’t for the life of me figure out why you are?

Do you somehow feel that my path in life is going to negatively affect the afterlife you’re expecting for yourself?  Did God, Allah or Yahweh send you on a specific mission to save my soul?  Well, save your efforts for someone that believes.  I’m so tired of this shit.  My beliefs are mine alone and they have no bearing on anyone else on this planet.  Save your efforts for someone you stand a chance of converting.

I don’t want your advice.  I don’t want your suggestions on how to live a more peaceful existence.  (By the way, I’m not a pacifist either so you might wanna just back the fuck off)  Go preach on the street corners someplace you’re wanted.  Stay the hell off my doorstep, my Facebook page, my Twitter account, etc.  

Really, if I’m wrong and I rot in hell for eternity, how does that in any way affect you?  Think about it. And then lose my contact information.  Please.

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